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M.E.A.N. Girls Empowerment proudly introduces our M.E.A.N Girls University internship program! MGU is designed to outline skills necessary post-graduation. These sessions will equip our girls with survival, professional development, and personal development necessary for adulthood.

This program is meant to give students the opportunity to develop their careers as they navigate through their journey in higher education. Each intern will be paired with a mentor in various positions within our organization. The program will also include career development workshops that will focus on goal setting and time management, work/life balance, leveraging LinkedIn and resume prep, networking, financial literacy and much more.

Job Placement

Our participants are placed in internal and external part-time jobs/internships. These are summer job placements (June-August)  not to exceed 8 weeks. Participants are paid $10-$15 per hour not to exceed 40 hours in a two-week period. This approach accounts for the youth's employment barriers as well as the physical, emotional, social, and mental health needs while helping them to secure and sustain long-term and/or career employment thereby ensuring a greater likelihood of success and self-sufficiency. Additionally, supportive services provided to our participants may include transportation assistance, day care expenses, work clothes, tools and supplies, or other items that are required for youth to participate in the program.

Must be between the ages of 16-24 and in pursuit of an Associates Degree or higher in order to apply.

Other benefits include:

  • Community Service Hours

  • Career Development

  • Letters of Recommendation

  • A chance to make a difference in the community and with our girls!

Click the link to view our open positions and apply below!

Click Here to View Job Descriptions 

Complete our application contact form. 

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